Monday, June 8, 2009

Nicaragua2009 - Day 4 - 2nd entry

Such a full day: 3 church services, a couple of hours of ultimate frisbee, our first trip outside Managua, lots of little adventures... first let me introduce you to four of our terrific hosts: (Krista, Melissa, Mason (Krista's 2nd) and Sue Buzbee The only church we know of with an 8:00 service is the International Christian Fellowship (an interdenominational English-language congregation that meets at NCA); we joined them for a few songs and to say "Hey!" to the missionary community before dashing off to the 9:00 service downtown. God's timing is always perfect... what a blessing to have been here for the inauguration of the Verbo sanctuary... that church has been in a rented facility for decades, has birthed churches, schools, clinics all over the country and now has a building of its own... they're remodeling this old warehouse as God provides! We got to sit by the founders (Bob and Myra Trolese), who have been in Nicaragua since the revolution (1979); as far as we know they are the only North Americans to have stayed there through the revolution, civil war and economic depression... true heroes of our faith! The Buzbee's eldest daughter, Elizabeth, translated for the Trolese's and Pastor Ricardo Hernandez (an NCA parent & friend) We went to Pizza Hut for lunch... the A/C felt really good! Half a mile from our house the man seated to the right of the picture was hit by a fried-chicken delivery man on a motorcycle (he's apparently OK)... The road to the Buzbee estate... Every Sunday at 2:00, the ICF crowd gets together for a little excercise in the form of ultimate frisbee... here's Eric, Austin and Tim's team fielding the opening toss... We drove 20 miles south of Managua (to the beautiful town of El Crucero) for the last service of the day. Arriving at sunset, we took these pictures looking out toward the Pacific Ocean in the distance... The little Baptist church is pastored by Wendy Gomez's dad. Pictured are Wendy and a couple of NCA parents leading in song...

1 comment:

Sharla Martinez said...

Hola Senor Kynast,
I love seeing all your pictures and hearing the progress that is going on in Managua. I am so envious of you and Tim to be able to visit and help out. I wish I could tag along too! Give the Gomez/Matamoros clan a huge hug from me if you get to see them again.