Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Nicaragua2009 - Day 5

We are no longer the only short-term mission team staying at the Buzbee "palace"... this delightful group rolled in the other night from Fort Worth, Texas: (L2R) Jody Kennedy, Lynn McGuff, Paul Neal, Trisha Kennedy, Blake Fox, Malorie McGuff & Scott Parrish.Tim's best friend, Harry, lives in the house to the right of this old theater. His family has been granted permission to use the building as a recycling center, which serves the double purpose of providing them some income to support their ministries, and a platform for sharing with the street-people who peddle scrap metal at their doorstep. We spent the day getting to know their mission field!The going rates for the metals the Miranda's purchase: Aluminum 6 and 4 cordobas/lb. (30 & 20 cents/lb.); bronze 22 cords ($1.10); copper 32 ($1.60), etc.Denis Miranda explains the need to reorganize the warehouse which was flooded last week...Moving stuff like this...Keep up the good work, guys!The fellas took their break on the roof of the theater, which afforded them a great view/perspective on downtown Managua...Best friends... Tim and Harry working together!Not a bad day's work, Austin!Ready for a lunch break...Nicaragua was one of the really hot spots during the "Cold War"; the Soviets armed one side and the US the other in this country's civil (or "Contra") war (remember Iran/Contra, the Ollie North trial?) When Violeta Chamorro was elected she offered title to a plot of land in exchange for weapons in a hugely-successful effort to get the guns off the streets. Eric is holding what remains of one of the AK-47's buried in this park (Parque de Paz)...These guys washed our front and rear windshield while we waited for the light to turn green and were happy with the 2 Cordobas (10 cents) it earned them...A view of the US Embassy/Consulate...MTI is the Nicaraguan version of our "DOT"
Quick dip in the pool...Public elementary schools generally meet in the morning; Denis and Maribel (pictured here with Diana, their school administrator) run a Christian school free-of-charge (that meets on their church property) as a service to the community M-F afternoons (they even make sure they have something in their stomachs.)
Pastor Denis explaining why the young men have come to visit...The boys got their turn to talk...Austin & Harrison serving dinner...Tim, Harry and Eric at the church school...Tim, Harry and Eric at the park...
These young ladies were captivated by Seth's "Franish"...Harrison and Austin chatting away in Spanish!Tim teaching the locals a few tricks...Denis & Maribel use sports as a way to reach their community for Christ...Dinner at one of the Kynast's favorite restaurants (RostiPollos) with the Mirandas... (L2R) Denis, Maribel, Nain, Austin, Tim, Seth, Harrison, Harry, Eric, Obed, Denis Jr.

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