Monday, June 8, 2009

Nicaragua2009 - Day 4

The guys were curious about why there was a black-plastic tent-city in front of the "new" Catholic Cathedral, so we stopped to ask. They have been camped there in protest since March 9th... alledging that products used in the sugar industry have caused kidney failure in over 8,000 sugar-cane workers (killing 3,346 of them to date); the rest have been unable to work in the fields due to their compromised health since at least 2005... Seth, Harrison (the photographer), Eric and I (Tim and Austin stayed with the van) met with these former farm-laborers and later prayed with a group three times this size... Just like two years ago, the skies emptied out just as the service at "Principe de Paz" (Prince of Peace Mennonite Church) got underway... you can see from this picture that we had to scramble to avoid a drenching (the church building only has walls on two sides and a dirt floor)... they had all been praying for rain and credited us for bringing them that blessing (again!)I have a great video of the service, that I have tried for three hours to upload... I guess the connection is too slow...

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