Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26th

Most of you know I played club soccer at the University of Florida... well, the team now has an alumni group called the "Agin' Gator Soccer Society", the motto of which is:
"Supporting the UF Soccer Club isn't everything,
It's our only thing"
There is one (fund-raising) event per year... a match pitting the "old-timers" (some of whom are in their mid-20s) against the current squad. Pictured is last year's gathering; thinking I may join them this year now that I'm back in Florida. The game is April 9th, the three-year anniversary of Lana's arrival in Heaven!

1 comment:

a florida gal said...

I think you should join...and play...Lana would be pleased! Congratulations on the upcoming wedding...I'm very happy for you! Welcome back to Fl!