Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11th

Some of you will remember Gerson "Harry" Miranda (Tim's best friend from Nicaragua) who spoke at Lana's celebration of life service in Asheville... well, God has provided for him to attend Calvin College (Grand Rapids); below the picture is part of a letter he sent to those through whom He provided (in the photo Harry is framed by Tim and his older brother, Denis, a freshman @Harding University)
"...Since I am in a place of great freedom, I realize that I must use that freedom in the best possible way. ...I used to depend on a routine to remind me to have time with God. In college, I quickly realized that there was no routine and I needed to make time. I think this has been my greatest struggle because there are so many other things that can take up my entire day.

When I found myself focusing on the many tasks that I needed to complete, my time with God seemed like a stressful obligation rather than a time of great comfort and joy where I can meet my Father and be changed by Him. That is my greatest desire: to be changed and molded into the man of God He wants me to be.

I see my experience at Calvin as a time to find God and have a face to face encounter with Him like never before..."

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