Friday, September 25, 2009

Thursday, September 24th

This was the scene in the "man cave" @11:03... no school tomorrow for these four, so Tim called for a senior soccer player sleep-over... they're just getting going...Kara sent a precious letter sharing some of her first experiences with her host family... in her words:

Hey Dad!

It's been crazy... I dont even know what day it is! Okay, that's a lie, it's 8:55am on Friday. So weird!

I love it so far. I get along great with Crea (3), the oldest. She's adorable, and woke me up this morning by jumping on the bed. Which I didn't mind, surprisingly ;). She picked out my clothes but told me to wear my pants... when I put on my jeans, she said, "NO! Those are trousers, silly!!" Pants are shorts, I guess.

So it is essentially babysitting in a different language. Crea wanted her hair done 'in bubbles' yesterday. 'Eggy bread' is french toast... I'm learning slowly. :)

Yesterday Molly (1) made a mess and I asked Crea where the paper towels were. "Toilet rope?" she asked. uh... I guess that's what they call toilet paper...

I'm having a ball- Today I'm opening a bank account, which will be modest to say the least ;).
Well, I love and miss you!!!

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