Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, September 26th

Tim and I went on a "college visit" to UNC-Asheville... he's interested in their Mechatronics program and a spot on their soccer team. Mechatronics is the combination of Mechanical, Electrical, Computer & Systems Design Engineering to create useful products. Here's one of the robots they showed us; it is designed to be able to move in any direction without having to turn/aim its wheels... quite impressive.More from Kara!:

Oh man, I love it so far. Today I helped out in the garden a little and then biked 10.3 miles! I got a little lost on the way back from the beach. I think I might even get in shape... that feeling of biking and sweating and then all of a sudden everything opening up to the aquamarine Indian Ocean as far as the eye can see ;).

I also am *considering* training for this swimming race from the shore to an island off of the coast. I LOVE swimming out in the ocean, but get pretty scared when it gets deep... i think it would be fun to have a bunch of people close by because I wouldn't be as scared to be out swimming... plus there are boats and everything with little rest stops. Some people do it in teams so that could be cool, I just don't know if ill make friends by the entry date (my birthday!)

I'd have to complete a qualifying swim of 10k... I'm still a pretty strong swimmer, and there is a pool here and I'd have 5 months to train... what do you think?

Welp, love you a lot.
miss you

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