Thursday, June 4, 2009

Nicaragua2009 - Day 1

This is the team God brought together for this year's trek south: (L2R) TK, Seth Barker, Eric Fontaine, Austin Smith, Harrison Best & GK. All but Eric stayed over last night figuring that would give them a little extra time to sleep in this morning... we'll get together to pray at 9:30 with Kara and the Johnson's (who are helping with the drive to Atlanta); arrival in Managua is scheduled for 7:36 their time (9:36 Eastern.) I hope to make regular entries in this blog for those of you who'd like to try to "keep up"... thank you for all the ways you've already been a part of making this adventure possible!

1 comment:

Jonah Zane Herzog said...

Have fun! We can't wait for the updates!